According to a survey conducted last August by the Jewish Community Relations Bureau|AJC, Jewish students in Kansas City face antisemitism on a disturbingly regular basis in schools. Seventy-five percent of students reported experiencing or witnessing at least one form of antisemitism at school.

The annual Day of Discovery will take place virtually on August 22. The daylong event runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and provides an opportunity for community members to learn, study, and discover a wide range of topics led by Jewish educators, rabbis, and cantors.

The Jewish community will prepare for the approaching High Holy Days at the annual Selichot program and service on August 28, hosted at Congregation Beth Torah. There will be opportunities for multi-access participation, both in person and virtual. There will be Havdalah and then the program will begin at 9:00 p.m.