B’nai B’rith Bowling
The following bowlers in Sunday Morning Kansas City B’nai B’rith Bowling League achieved high scores at Ward Parkway Lanes on Nov. 22.
The following bowlers in Sunday Morning Kansas City B’nai B’rith Bowling League achieved high scores at Ward Parkway Lanes on Nov. 22.
The Shul — Chabad of Leawood is sponsoring a Chanukah Pajamakah Car Parade on Dec. 16.
In this year of COVID-19, with no possibility of an in-person event, Village Shalom has received a blessing and a challenge from a group of donors. Ronnie Baker, Irene Bettinger, Stanley Bushman, Charley Helzberg, and Frank Lipsman have come together with a $25,000 challenge grant in support of Village Shalom’s Ages of Excellence campaign. Ages benefits the one in four healthcare residents who are beneficiaries of this Financial Assistance Program.
Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated by Jewish people this time of year. The holiday focuses on religious freedom and generally is celebrated at home with the lighting of the Menorah each of the eight nights of the holiday. Small gifts are exchanged, traditional holiday foods (made with oil) such as potato latkes are enjoyed, and games of dreidel are played to commemorate the festival. This year, Hanukkah begins at sundown Thursday, Dec. 10.
Congregation religious school families are invited to a virtual interactive and engaging community Hanukkah educational experience from 10 to 10:50 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 6, in place of regular religious school morning sessions. Parents are encouraged to join in the fun and grandparents are welcome to participate!