The Sarah Peltzman Educational Series, Unit One, begins Thursday, Oct. 15. Classes will be held 10-11 a.m. via Zoom. The cost is $15 per unit or $36 for all three units. The fee for couples is $40 and includes all three units.
The Beth Shalom Sisterhood Gift Shop won’t be able to open the shop permanently until after Dec. 31, unless COVID-19 is still a problem.
If you have any immediate needs (Shabbat candles, mezuzahs and scrolls, other basic needs or gifts), call Mary Weiner at 913-642-9363. She will call Stefanie Williams, executive director, to set up an appointment.
In the meantime, Connie Simon has been working on setting up a website for the gift shop. Sisterhood will then photograph items in the shop for you to peruse. Sisterhood has already set up an online program for members to pay their dues and it works well.
Have you planned your menu for Shabbat/Sukkot dinner? Erev Sukkot begins at sundown Friday, Oct. 2. Skip the meal preparation and enjoy a delicious catered meal in your sukkah. This holiday meal will be prepared by Cathy Levin, Kosher Connection. Deadline for ordering your Shabbat/Sukkot meal is Tuesday, Sept. 29. Curbside pickup is from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 2.