Last year was a challenging year for many, but that doesn’t mean that nothing good came out of it. Maybe you adopted a new family pet, had a virtual seder, planted your first garden, tried a new challah recipe, took up a musical instrument or even wrote a song.

Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City wants to help our community remember the positive side of 2020 with its virtual time capsule. Members of the community are invited to submit photos, videos, pieces of art, poems, songs, short stories, etc., of their memories from last year. This is an opportunity to share your unique perspective on history.

Submissions already received for the time capsule have included photos of baking and art projects, written stories and news articles about life during the pandemic and screenshots of virtual events and holiday gatherings.

Federation plans to “unearth” this virtual time capsule at its Annual Meeting in 2030. The deadline for submissions is Monday, Feb. 15. Visit to make your submission.