Priya has increased funds for couples and individuals looking to grow their Jewish families. Priya is a program of Jewish Family Services offering Jewish individuals and couples (including LGBTQ+ and interfaith families) emotional support, resource connection, spiritual guidance and financial assistance with genetic testing, fertility treatments and adoption.

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A lovely evening featuring delightful cuisine, presentations, and awards for some well-deserved honors to Torah class attendees took place recently during a program for women and girls. Neshei Chabad of KC had its first in-person program (which was also available on Zoom) on July 13, the 4th of the Jewish month of Menachem Av.

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HBHA sukkah getting a refresh

HBHA’s sukkah, last dedicated in 2002, was in need of some TLC. In a Facebook post, the school announced that a new sukkah and outdoor education space is in the works in HBHA’s courtyard.

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Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City’s Leadership Tomorrow summer internship program recently wrapped up its eighth year. Five Jewish college students spent the summer working with nonprofit organizations across Kansas City, gaining real-world work experience, personal and professional development, and valuable mentorship and networking.

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Hadassah Greater Kansas City invites members, prospective members, family and friends to join  its virtual tour of the Michael Klein Collection at The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah, on August 30, 7:00-8:30 p.m., via Zoom. Educator/Curator Abby Magariel will focus on items from this collection for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.

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