On the night of September 27, we celebrated Simchat Torah by unrolling the entire Torah while we consecrated our kindergarten and first grade students, officially welcoming them into their Jewish learning. We read the very end and very beginning of our ancient text.

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As we welcomed 5782 and celebrated the New Year with joy on Tuesday, part of me couldn’t help being sad. Rosh Hashanah was not just the birthday of the world this year, it was also the one year anniversary on the Jewish calendar, the yahrtzeit, of the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And we need her voice now more than ever.

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This week’s parsha is in Deuteronomy. Throughout Deuteronomy, Moishe is preparing the Israelites to prepare to move into the real world of the promised land, ending their purely spiritual life in the wilderness. Many of the mitzvahs in Deuteronomy pertain to the real world, about everyday life and making a living. G-d wants us to be in the real world.

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