This week’s Torah Portion is Bishalach.

It begins “It was when Pharaoh sent out the nation” with the most momentous event namely the Jewish peoples’ miraculous crossing the Sea of Reeds and forever having their noxious slave masters gone, resulting in perhaps the most beautiful of Jewish prayers, the Az Yashir.

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Eliana, my 4-year-old daughter, just returned to in-person preschool. On Monday, she was excited to be dropped off outside with her mask and backpack on, walking into school with no parents. On Tuesday, she talked about finishing a project she started on Monday. But on Wednesday, while still snuggling in bed, she asked, “do I have to go to school?” Shocked at the question because Eliana loves school, I answered, “yes.” Then she continued, “do I have to wear a mask?”

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As The Chronicle was about to arrive in mailboxes last week, supporters of President Trump were storming the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., as Congress was certifying Joe Biden’s win in last year’s presidential election. As the aftereffects of the deadly Jan. 6 riot continued into this week, The Chronicle revisited some of the immediate responses from the local Jewish Community. The statements have been edited for length. 

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