The importance of the Together We Remember program
I recently returned from Washington. D.C. with nine students who participated in the 2022 Together We Remember program.
I recently returned from Washington. D.C. with nine students who participated in the 2022 Together We Remember program.
Getting a second passport is in vogue these days. The desire to secure citizenship in another country, and with it a second passport, might be driven by fear, but also for educational, employment or business opportunities that an alternative citizenship might provide a family.
An infrared thermometer, a pair of arm-length heat resistant gloves, a water kettle and maybe a salad spinner.
In his commentary in the July 28 issue of The Chronicle, Rabbi Mark Levin stated that abortion is a well-considered belief.
Access MO is a state-wide political action committee formed in 2019, inspired by Jewish values, that provides education about and support to state and local candidates in Missouri that embrace and advocate for reproductive freedom and health care.
In any nation there exists a civil religion, a set of beliefs and practices that are basic to that culture.
The Times of Israel has covered the attack on three b’nei mitzvah families celebrating their children’s transition into adulthood as committed Jews.
On Tuesday, August 2, there will be a vote on the Kansas ballot about amending the Kansas Constitution.
Shari Baellow, Karen Berger and Allen Lebovitz (both of Kansas) and George Lebovitz (of Jerusalem) are the children of Kate (z”l) and Eugene Lebovitz (z”l), Holocaust survivors who met in the Budapest Ghetto.
The recent holiday of Shavuot is one of our Shalosh Regalim - our three pilgrimage festivals, celebrating both agricultural and historical events. During these festivals we express gratitude for our abundance.