The annual community seder, hosted by the Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City, will be held virtually this year. According to Rabbi Javier Cattapan, president of the rabbinical association, most of the association’s rabbis will participate by recording pieces of the service in advance. In years past, just one or two rabbis led the seder.

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The students have recently arrived back in Lawrence for the spring semester, but as they return to their campus things are still not the same. From the various changes to the class schedule and to the many guidelines and protocols in place, it is obvious that things will still be conducted quite differently than a typical semester at KU.

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The COVID-19 pandemic is having a massive effect on the mental health of college students. According to a Texas A&M study, 71% of college students polled said that their stress and anxiety levels increased since the start of the pandemic, and 18% said they had suicidal thoughts.

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