The Sarah Peltzman Educational Series, Unit Three, begins April 8. Classes will be held 10 a.m.-11 a.m. via Zoom. The cost is $15 per unit for new students who are not already participating in Peltzman classes.

With thousands of individuals unemployed in the Kansas City area, Jewish Family Services (JFS) and Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) have enhanced Career Skills and Connections, a program offering executive coaching and employment assistance for individuals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds with a variety of work histories and experiences.

“Many of us are able to be parents, because we can afford to be.”

Rabbi Idit Solomon, CEO of Hasidah, a Jewish fertility organization, told me this and it floored me. I had never thought of building a family in this way. She wasn’t talking about the cost of the cute onesie, or of the matching nursery set, or even the average cost to see your women’s health care provider.

A pre-recorded virtual Passover seder created by the Rabbinical Association is being offered this year to assist families as they host their own home seder.

Thanks to the generosity of the Romotsky-Price-Cortes Genetic Testing Fund, Priya is able to offer a discounted price for the genetic testing. This allows for more growing families in Kansas City to be better informed when beginning their family planning journeys.

Enjoy a relaxing Passover Seder and a delicious catered Passover seder meal to go. Convenient curbside meal pickup takes place between noon and 1 p.m. March 26 at the Jewish Community Campus theater circle drive. Choose from a list of a full meal and/or a la carte items and order for yourself and/or for neighbors and relatives — you can drop it on their doorstep to practice good social distancing. Or buy a little extra and freeze the leftovers so that you can enjoy prepared meals throughout the week of Passover.

“BIAV is looking to return hundreds of bronze Yahrzeit Plaques to loved ones” in the January 28, 2021, Chronicle sparked calls from throughout our community and beyond. So far, over 100 of BIAV's bronze yahrzeit plaques have been claimed by family members. 700 to go!