Who can forget the funny scenes between one of America’s funniest television couples?

Join educator Marlene Katz for an hour learning about the antics of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. March 25 through the Learn Laugh & Love program.

This free virtual program, sponsored by Jewish Family Services and The Heritage Center at The J, is open to all.

This presentation will provide insight into one of America’s most beloved entertainment couples. “The Lucille Ball Show” captivated millions of viewers as they watched the husband-and-wife team. Many people refer to Lucy as the Queen of Comedy. Lucy seemed to spend her entire life trying to figure out a way to make Desi do what she wanted him to do — she was a ball of fire.

Katz loves to share stories with audiences of all ages. A former teacher, she is now a professional storyteller specializing in famous women’s biographical depictions in history. Katz especially enjoys presenting the topic of kindness in older adult living communities.

The program is free, but advance registration is required at zoom.us/j/96223777817. A link to the program will then be sent.