With thousands of individuals unemployed in the Kansas City area, Jewish Family Services (JFS) and Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) have enhanced Career Skills and Connections, a program offering executive coaching and employment assistance for individuals from diverse socio-economic backgrounds with a variety of work histories and experiences.

Last year was a challenging year for many, but that doesn’t mean that nothing good came out of it. Maybe you adopted a new family pet, had a virtual seder, planted your first garden, tried a new challah recipe, took up a musical instrument or even wrote a song.

The Lewis and Shirley White Theatre of The Jewish Community Center (The J) is excited to announce it will debut the Broadway smash hit musical “Something Rotten.” This brand-new production, performed on The White Theatre stage, will be available to audiences on-demand Feb. 13 through March 7 for the opening of its reimagined 2020-2021 theater season.

Kosher for Passover “Meals-to-Go” are available for purchase this year. Meals will be prepared by Cathy Levin, Kosher Connection, under supervision of the Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City. Orders must be placed by Tuesday, March 16, and after the deadline orders will be taken only on a meal availability basis.

Jewish community members of all ages are invited to join for a virtual communitywide Purim day celebration from 11 a.m. to noon on Friday, Feb. 26. The Purim celebration will include an interactive and engaging reading of the Megillah with music and discussion led by Rabbis David Glickman, Beryl Padorr, Jonathan Rudnick, Linda Steigman and Hazzan Tahl Ben Yehuda.

Jewish agencies and organizations in our community had to quickly adapt to the pandemic, especially when it came to in-person programming. The situation was no different for Avodah Kansas City, which brings together young Jewish professionals who are passionate about the intersection of social justice and their faith.