Every spring, senior Jayhawks look forward to the culmination of their time at the University of Kansas with a few traditions: walking under the Campanile and standing together under the tallit to receive their graduation blessing from Rabbi Neal Schuster, KU Hillel’s rabbi and senior Jewish educator.

April showers bring May flowers. On some level, the old saying was true at the Chabad House at KU during the recent graduation farewell parties for the classes of 2021 and 2020. Just like a blossoming flower, the graduating seniors are ready to leave KU and move on to whatever comes next in their life’s journey.

Jeffrey and Julie Spiegel are proud to announce that their son, Daniel Spiegel, earned the rank of Eagle Scout on March 25, 2021. He was recognized at his Troop’s Eagle Court of Honor on May 16, 2021.

Congregation Beth Torah and Rabbi Monica Kleinman, director of lifelong learning, are proud to announce a series of playground dates for those who are currently enrolled or interested in joining the Weiner Religious School. The Weiner Religious School is open to all KC-area Jewish families regardless of their membership at CBT.