Jesse Wilks had a bar mitzvah — just not a religious one.

His parents raised him in a secular home in New York City but still instilled him with a strong sense of Jewish identity. His mother — who worked for the Workers Circle and is now on the editorial board of the left-wing Jewish Currents magazine — hosted holiday dinners, minus the religious prayers. Instead of attending Hebrew school at a synagogue, Wilks grew up going to a “shule,” or non-religious school that taught him Yiddish.

BERLIN (JTA) — Following a spate of anti-Israel protests across Germany tied to the ongoing Israel-Gaza violence, political leaders here have vowed to crack down on demonstrators who have used antisemitic rhetoric and have attacked Jewish institutions.

Big Slick, the celebrity fundraiser that’s raised more than $12 million for Children’s Mercy Hospital, will return this June as a virtual celebrity variety show. It will be hosted by KC and area natives Paul Rudd, Jason Sudeikis, Rob Riggle, Eric Stonestreet and David Koechner. Rudd, who is Jewish, is one of the founders of Big Slick, along with fellow Shawnee Mission West alumni Riggle and Sudeikis.

BBYO Kansas City recently elected its 2021-2022 Council. Named to the board, and their roles, are: Emma Jacobson (n’siah), Quinn Koffman (godol), Emma Sandler (MIT mom), Aaron Yurman (shaliach) and Ellie Goldberg (mazkirah).