Amy (Riss) and Ben Hager of Greensboro, N.C., announce the birth May 2 of a son, Nathan Martin.

Grandparents are Debbie and Bill Riss of Weddington, N.C., and Susan and Tom Hager of Albany, N.Y.

Great-grandparents are Goldie Riss and the late Harold Riss of Leawood and Mary and Lonnie Wood of Mesa, Ariz.


Noreen and Sol Lewitton of Houston, formerly of the Kansas City area, are pleased to announce the engagement of their son, Dr Steve Lewitton of Austin, Texas, to Dr. Cristina Caputo, also of Austin, daughter of Giovanni Caputo and the late Aurora Daló of Castellana Grotte in the province of Bari, Italy.

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Mike and Allison Franke announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Seth DeWitt Franke at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 17, at The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah.

Seth is the grandson of Bob and Kathy DeWitt.

Relatives and friends are invited to worship with the family and to attend the Kiddush luncheon following the 



Erica and Evan Fisher of Santa Monica, Calif., announce the birth April 5 of a daughter, Liv Maxwell. They are also the parents of Scarlett and Sunny.

Grandparents are Helene and Marshall Abrahams of Cherry Hills Village, Colo.

Great-grandmother is Irene Dreiseszun of Leawood.