Access MO is a state-wide political action committee formed in 2019, inspired by Jewish values, that provides education about and support to state and local candidates in Missouri that embrace and advocate for reproductive freedom and health care.

In post-Roe Missouri, Access MO is uniquely positioned to help fund and foster pro-reproductive health care and justice leaders across the state.

“We are so pleased to endorse so many candidates who can make a difference in our region and in our state,” said Dana Sandweiss, co-founder of Access MO. “Access to reproductive health care is a critical issue, and we thank these candidates for being there to support all of us.”

Access MO endorses the following Southwest Missouri, Central Missouri, and Kansas City-region candidates running for the Missouri House of Representatives.

Kansas City Region:

For state senate: Ashley Aune, Aaron Crossley, Jim Hogan, Keri Ingle, Jamie Johnson, Robert McCourt, Maggie Nurrenbern, Kemp Strickler, Annette Turnbaugh, Emily Weber, Eric Woods, 

Central Missouri Region:

For state senate: Doug Mann, Adrian Plank, Dave Raithel, Joseph Donald Salcedo, Jessica Slisz, Kathy Steinhoff.

Southwest Missouri Region:

For state senate: Amy Blansit, Amy Freeland, Betsy Fogle, Stephanie Hein, Dale Speelman, Crystal Quade, Ginger Witty.

More information, including Access MO’s endorsements for St. Louis-area candidates, can be found at For more information about Access MO, contact .



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