As we handed over our one way tickets to the agent at the gateway, we knew that there was no turning back. Here we are making that giant leap of a transition from a small town called Brooklyn, New York, to the big city of Lawrence, Kansas.

We arrived in this small college town on that spring day with our entire lives on the back of a truck, along with a dollar and a dream. A dream that has been firmly planted within our heart and soul from throughout our childhood and teen years; when will be the day that we will merit to join the Rebbe’s Army, to become “Shluchim-Emissaries” to further the vision of transforming this world to a place of goodness and revealed G-dliness?

All we wanted to accomplish is one thing: to create a space where every single Jew Feels At Home. A place where every person feels that he or she is accepted as they are, simply because you are a fellow Jew. Regardless of how you may appear or how you may define your affiliation, to us you are a brother and sister. We wanted this space to be the one place where everyone truly feels that “Labels are for Shirts, Not for People” and that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

Our lack of substantial funds and our zero local connections were made up by a burning inner desire to make  a difference and touch the lives of others. Having grown up in a Chabad community, we were infused with an appreciation for the value of each individual. We understood how every single individual has a mandate to change this world and make this world a better place, and it is up to us to help each person uncover this power that lies within themselves.

Exactly 15 years ago tonight (March 12), we had the merit to host four young college students at our table for a delightful Shabbat dinner. Tonight, we will have the honor to host tens of young college students for Shabbat dinner once again.

As we sit around the lit Shabbat Dinner table with warm Challah, Chicken Soup and Matzah Balls, delicious kosher chicken and kugel, the most important aspect of the evening will be the real sense of family and connection that is felt by all present, a feeling that each of them that says “I Belong! …”


Rabbi Tiechtel of KU Chabad posted this photo of The Chronicle front page in reminiscing on Facebook about his 15 years in Lawrence.


We are continuously inspired each and every day by the countless young men and women who make the time in their day and the space in their heart to connect with their own heritage, and most importantly connect with their truest selves.

The warm smile on the students face as she enjoys a good time with her peers on the comfy couch at Chabad House....

The sense of clarity and relief that the young man feels at the end of a deep and meaningful discussion....

The joy of the Simchat Torah dancing in the streets of Lawrence...the pride of the Menorah Lighting in Downtown Lawrence...the delight of families celebrating Purim together as a community...the family feeling of over 100 fellow Jewhawks sharing the Passover Seder together as one unit...

We can go on and on and on...but the main thing is that it is these images that inspire us to keep doing what we do each and every day.

As we reflect on the past 15 years we wish to say two words: THANK YOU! Thank you to our many supporters including  parents, alumni and friends who believed in us since Day One where we were still just an IPO.

Thank you to our students and community members who continue to inspire us each and every day.

Thank you to the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle for being such a great source of news, insight and inspiration to our community and being such a dear partner all the way from that first cover story until today.

And thank you to Hashem for giving us the strength, courage and resources to keep on moving until we reach every last Jew in the Land of the Jewhawks.

With best wishes for another 15 years of impact and L’chaim to life!

 Rabbi Tiechtel is co-director of KU Chabad.