Our sages relate that while the men sang, the women exemplified true Jewish faith in having prepared tambourines to sing and dance modestly under the leadership of Miriam.

Kabbalisticly life is a song — it is the song of your soul! — the highs and lows, the triumphs and failures.

 Sometimes we may like to take a break. … But think about how monotone, monotone sounds are.

Though there is a part of us that, like our ancestor Jacob says, “How about a bit of Peace.” Yet G-d says, “The future is eternal peace, but for you to reach your destiny, your potential, whereby the Divine voice and you learn to harmonize, where the song of your soul can eternally offer praise, gratitude and graciousness, for this you must traverse…”

 We know that interestingly, the tense of Az Yashir implies, “Then they will sing.” For though (in the Torah and prophets) nine Divine melodies and lyrics were composed once again soon with the arrival of Moshiach, we will break out in song but this song will carry forever our souls.