Dear Sol,


The best way to support Israel is to help bring the Palestinians to the negotiating table. Once they recognize Israel’s right to exist, Israel should then remove Jerusalem as the capital city, give them an assurance that Israel will not build more settlements in the West Bank and will demolish those that exist, and give them the assurance there will be two states living securely and peacefully side by side. If we do that, there would be no need to withhold a portion of the military aid funding.

Unfortunately, there are many Orthodox Jews in Israel who are opposed to returning the West Bank to the Palestinians and up until now, those Jews have been necessary to form a coalition government. As you well know, it’s possible to be against the current Israeli government’s policies and still have a love for Israel. To characterize Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders as being anti-Israel is ridiculous and just not true.


 Marvin Fremerman

Springfield, Missouri