I express my great disappointment in the further leftward lurch of the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle. In the May 30 issue we are confronted by a page 1 piece by Ron Kampeas (Survey of American Jews find anti-Semitism concerns and disapproval of Trump). It discusses a survey by a “liberal leaning Jewish organization … which does polling for Democratic candidates.”
The third paragraph includes “generic Democrat.” The fourth paragraph includes “…strongly Democratic.”
The fifth paragraph applauds Obama in spite of his poor treatment of Netanyahu and his backstabbing of Israel at the U.N.
The sixth paragraph supports two Democratic contenders for the presidency, each of whom, in my own opinion, is highly questionable.
In the next paragraph we are treated to condemnation of Netanyahu relevant to clashes with Obama.
Further along, Kampeas criticizes President Trump on multiple fronts.
Another paragraph begins with “Jewish Democrats.”
In yet another, the executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America (whatever that is) is quoted.
This piece knee jerks with “Figures who have been prominent in the Jewish organizational world and in Democratic politics.”
David S. Jacobs, M.D.
Overland Park, Kansas