If you don’t know about ALYN Hospital in Jerusalem, I suggest you read all about it. ALYN is the only rehabilitation hospital for kids and teens in Israel. They create unique plans for each child depending on their individual needs, which often involve a variety of therapies and equipment. You can read all about the hospital and its amazing programs here: .https://www.alyn.org/
Last year my son and I raised a good deal of money for this fantastic organization. And all we needed to do was jump out of a plane! The experience was thrilling on so many levels. It was a blast being able to have that level of quality time with my son. Flying through the air was breathtaking. And being able to do all of this for such a great cause was possibly the best part.
Well, we’re back doing it again another time around. We’d love it if you could help. Last year we raised over $2,700 and this year we’re hoping to do even more. We’d love it if you’d help us make the world a better place. Please consider donating at: https://www.jgive.com/new/en/usd/donation-targets/15585/about.
My son Shlomo and I miss Kansas every day. I taught for two years at HBHA and I was a very active member of BIAV. Shlomo was HBHA’s 2014 first “Mensch of the Week.” I’ve lived in a lot of places throughout my years. Kansas City was the first place I ever left not wanting to. We miss you all a ton, and I’m truly happy to find any excuse to remind you all of how much you meant to us.
Yitchak Jaffe
Jerusalem, Israel