An open letter to Natalie Portman

Dear Natalie Portman:
I am not angry with you for your refusal to accept and attend the award ceremony as a recipient of Israel’s 2018 Genesis Prize, known by some as the Israeli Nobel Prize. Your behavior saddens me since it is full of judgements that are unexplained and ignore certain facts.
Apparently, you are reacting to your perception that Israeli soldiers are shooting at and killing defenseless Palistinian protestors at the Israeli Gaza fence. I do not know why you are ignoring what is taking place there. I believe we ought to sympathize with those protestors who are being exploited by Hamas. It is being reported that Hamas is asking these people not to fear death but to welcome martyrdom. In doing so they have gained your sympathy and that of much of the world. You are aiding them as they gain still another propaganda victory. They are very good at that! 
You maintain that you do not wish to share a platform with Prime Minister Netanyahu. A more appropriate way of dealing with your feelings about him would have been to air your grievances.
The JTA story in our Kansas City Jewish Chronicle quotes Josh Block of the Israel Project as follows: “The better approach for her would to go to Israel and give a speech ... to the people she wants to persuade.” Yes, you could and should. I strongly disagree with those in Israel who suggest that your Israeli citizenship should be revoked. All of who care deeply about Israel should not push you away. We should draw you to us.
Do think about Golda Meir’s statement so many years ago: “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We will only have peace when they love their children more than they hate us.”

Sol Koenigsberg
Overland Park, Kansas