No ‘buyer’s remorse’ for voting for Obama

David Seldner and Margie Robinow, representing the Kansas Heartland Chapter of the Republican Jewish Coalition, recently forwarded a “special” report to The Chronicle in opposition to the re-election of President Obama. The thrust of their “report” was that President Obama was not a strong supporter of the State of Israel. I, as a moderate Jewish democrat, believe that not so “special” report deserves a response .That response is most clearly delivered through a letter authored by Alan Dershowitz which was recently published in the Jerusalem Post.

Dershowitz quotes Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak that he could “hardly remember a better period of American support and cooperation and similar strategic understanding than what we have right now.” Dershowitz goes on to emphasize that, under Obama, the U.S. has worked “hand in hand with Israel in developing the Iron Dome, David’s Sting and Arrow Defense capabilities.” The president also has approved the sale of F-35 stealth fighters to the Israeli Air Force as well as the U.S. conducting large military exercises with Israel and coordinated intelligence operations with Israeli Secret Service. And, of course, American foreign aid to Israel has continued at record high levels.

President Obama visited Israel during his last campaign and stood in Sderot while lethal rockets were being hurled from Gaza by Hamas. He understands the peril that Israel lives with every day and that the first duty of every government is to protect its citizens. He has said that he expects Israel to do just that and supports its right to do so. Clearly the greatest threat that Israel faces today is from Iran and its plans to develop a nuclear arms capability. President Obama’s policy is clear — we will not permit Iran to develop nuclear weapons even if military action by the United States is required should ratcheted up sanctions and diplomatic pressures not be sufficient.

Beyond President Obama’s unadulterated support for Israel, Dershowitz points out the many accomplishments of President Obama that advocate for his re-election. He has brought us the first meaningful healthcare legislation in recent decades; he has appointed excellent judges to the Supreme Court; he has upheld and advocated for women’s and minority rights; he has eliminated the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy; and he has maintained the wall of separation between church and state. Further he has saved the automobile industry and hundreds of thousands of jobs and he killed Bin Laden. He has continued to successfully wage war against terrorism while ending the war in Iraq and winding down the war in Afghanistan.

These are only some of the reasons, along with his unending strong support of the State of Israel, why rational thinking Jews should vote to re-elect President Obama.

Harold Sader
Prairie Village, Kan.

Disgusted with Chronicle

I no longer subscribe to The Chronicle but have been reading it online. I am disgusted by the recent diatribes you have been publishing about President Obama and his administration. I never see anything on the left as hateful as what the right wing of the Republican Party puts out there.
You should know that there are many view points and I disagree with those you have been publishing. I certainly would not renew the subscription I had for more than 40 years.

Sandra Levin
Kansas City, Mo.