Lack of judgment

I was saddened and shocked by your decision to print a letter — by an out-of-towner, no less — comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler. There are some ideas which defy all the laws of decency and civility, and this is one of them. Is there no respect left for the office of the presidency?

Although you might argue that a letters column should be a free forum for your readers, I am sure there are boundaries which you would not cross. I doubt you would print a letter defending the blood libel or the authenticity of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” nor would you print the “f” word because some writer chose to include it in a letter. Comparing an American president to the worst mass murderer of all time is equally offensive and demonstrates a disturbing lack of judgment on your part.

Stu Lewis
Prairie Village, Kan.

Reprehensible comparison

I am shocked and disheartened to read the letter from Leonard Moss, M.D. in the July 27 issue. It is one thing to be opposed to President Obama’s re-election ... but to allude to Nazi Germany and Hitler in a Jewish publication is simply reprehensible. People of good will can disagree on issues, but using demagoguery as a tactic is disgusting.

I am ashamed of him for writing such a diatribe, and rather disappointed you would see fit to print it.

Judy Sherry
Kansas City, Mo.