Moishe House Without Walls available to local young adults
Moishe House Without Walls (MHWOW), a new program for young adults to host Jewish experiences for their friends and peers, has expanded to include Kansas City.
Moishe House Without Walls (MHWOW), a new program for young adults to host Jewish experiences for their friends and peers, has expanded to include Kansas City.
Michelle Goldsmith has been named to the board of Jewish Federations of North America’s (JFNA) National Women’s Philanthropy.
Jewish community member Dan Margolies, a longtime Kansas City journalist, retired from reporting in December 2022 after four decades in the industry.
Gather KC, a Jewish, volunteer-led young adult organization, recently hosted a latke recipe competition.
Shawnee, Kansas, craft cocktail bar Drastic Measures transformed into “Drastic Mensches,” a Hanukkah pop-up bar this month and raised more than $13,000 (minus payroll and taxes) for Jewish Family Services (JFS).
More than one hundred Jewish Community Foundation (JCF) fundholders and supporters gathered for JCF’s 64th annual meeting and installation of officers and trustees on the evening of Dec. 13.
In its continuing effort to serve families, Jewish Family Services (JFS), in partnership with Sasone, is presenting “Nurturing Parenting: Growing loving, happy and thriving relationships.”
A tumultuous year for world Jewry, 2023 brought the Kansas City Jewish community significant struggles but also examples of unity, support and achievement.
Antisemitic comments on a Hanukkah post by a local library spurred a response of unity and pride among Jewish community preschools.
When a woman with limited resources who is not Jewish gave Pella Fingersh an envelope with $150 to support Israel — money that the woman’s children helped earn for their family — it brought Fingersh to tears.