Macie Clawson, a KU grad, KU Hillel alum and former participant in Jewish Federation’s Leadership Tomorrow internship program, recently had her first essay published on Hey Alma is a popular online publication that publishes pieces on Jewish identity and culture.

A post on the Big Sonia Movie Instagram account (@bigsoniamovie) recently announced that, thanks to a generous donation, they are now a third of the way to raising the funds needed to make an interactive hologram of the film’s star, Sonia Warshawski.

The White Theatre at The J will celebrate its 15th anniversary season with Best of Broadway, a virtual benefit concert, at 7 p.m. on May 15. The concert will feature performances from some of the finest local stars and best Broadway shows held on The White Theatre stage over its 15 seasons. The concert is free, however, donations to benefit The J’s Arts + Culture programs are welcome.

The trauma caused by COVID-19 is bringing increased awareness to the importance of mental health care. In the past pandemic year, Jewish Family Services (JFS) has seen a 50% increase in the number of counseling sessions. JFS has responded by providing more resources and information with a focus on preventive initiatives.

The Jewish Community Relations Bureau|AJC seeks a talented and dynamic professional to serve as its development director, to help manage all aspects of JCRB|AJC’s development plan, including fundraising, special events, relevant fundraising communications, and donor development.