The Kansas City Jewish community is invited to celebrate Purim together for the fourth year in a row at the Kansas City Jewish Community Purim Carnival.
The carnival will be held on Sunday, March 9, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Jewish Community Campus (5801 W. 115th St., Overland Park, KS 66211). The theme is “Purim 2025: All Roads Lead to Shushan,” a play on “The Wizard of Oz.” Attendees are encouraged to dress in costume.
Vaad-supervised snacks and drinks will be provided. Attendees are encouraged to bring an item for the Jewish Family Services Food Pantry, as it is a tradition to give (matanot l’evyonim) gifts on Purim.
Additionally, volunteers are needed. Volunteers receive free entry to the carnival, and the event accommodates those in need of community service hours.
This year’s title sponsor is Josef Loeffler. The event is coordinated by Jewish Experiences, a Collaboration of Jewish Federation and The J, and participating organizations include Congregation Beth Shalom; Congregation Beth Torah; Kehilath Israel Synagogue; The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah; New Reform Temple; Congregation BIAV and Kol Ami. Both Sasone and Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City donated time and resources to help support this year’s event.
Guests are encouraged to purchase tickets ahead of time, or they can purchase their tickets at the door. Pricing, more information and registration can be found at