The Acclaimed Author Series, presented by Jewish Experiences, a collaboration of Jewish Federation and The J, will host Israeli author Lee Yaron to talk about her new book, “10/7: 100 Human Stories.”

The event will be held on Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Campus (5801 W. 115th St., Overland Park, KS 66211). The event is free, and registration is strongly encouraged. Interested individuals can visit for more information and to register.

Yaron, a journalist with Israeli newspaper Haaretz, shares the accounts of the Oct. 7 massacre through stories of its victims and their communities in her book. “10/7 One Hundred Human Stories” chronicles the horrors of the massacre and the war that followed through the stories of more than 100 civilians. 

Neta Meltzer, interim executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Bureau | American Jewish Committee, will moderate the discussion with Yaron.

“It is so urgent that we bear witness to the stories of Oct. 7 and grasp how this moment has changed Israel and the Jewish community worldwide,” Meltzer said. “As Lee paints the portraits of those impacted by that tragic day in her book, we are invited to reflect on the impacts and aftermath – both for our community and for ourselves as individuals. We’re so grateful to host her next month.”

Yaron was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, and splits her time between her native city and New York. She is an elected member-representative of the executive committee of the Union of Israeli Journalists and works to bring attention to marginalized communities in both Israel and throughout the Middle East. 

“I am deeply excited to bring Lee Yaron to the Kansas City Jewish community,” said Mika Kislanski, the Kansas City community shalicha. “[Her] impactful book offers a profound and personal glimpse into the lives of those who endured the tragic events of Oct. 7. It is crucial that we hear these powerful stories, as they not only honor the experiences of those affected but also deepen our understanding of the resilience and humanity that emerged in the face of unspeakable tragedy. Lee’s book is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, and I am confident it will resonate deeply within our community.” 

The Acclaimed Author Series is co-sponsored by Jewish Experiences and the Jewish Book Council and is supported by the Sam Schultz Jewish Book Fair Fund.

Monarch Books & Gifts is the exclusive bookseller of the Acclaimed Author Series. Only copies purchased from Monarch Books & Gifts will be eligible for signing by the author.

Additional information about the Acclaimed Author Series and other programs held by Jewish Experiences is available at