PJ Library, a program of Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City, will host multiple events in December for a variety of audiences.

The annual PJ Library Hanukkah Glow Party will be from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15, in the social hall at The J. Synagogues and organizations from the community will have booths with different types of activities, including playing dreidel and other games, making Hanukkah cards and glow-in-the-dark bracelets, and more. 

There will also be a silent disco with DJ Stann, a light-up hula-hoop show, a quiet room, a hands-on sensory space, and a new tween zone for kids ages eight and up that will feature the ball game gaga under blacklights.

On Dec. 19, PJ Library will host a “Mom’s Night Out” as part of the Jewish Experiences Acclaimed Author Series event. The event will be at 7 p.m. at Monarch Books in Overland Park, Kansas.

The featured author is Beth Kander, and the event will focus on her new book, “I Made It Out Of Clay,” about a woman who creates a golem as her "plus one" for her sister's wedding. Community member and PJ Library parent Linsday Fineman will lead the discussion with Kander.

PJ Library is teaming up with Chabad of Leawood and Chabad on the Plaza to host the “Maccababy Playdate” from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 22, at the Hümanette Play Cafe in Brookside.

Families with preschool-aged children (ages four and under) are invited to this Hanukkah-themed playdate. Kosher snacks will be provided, and coffee and drinks for adults will be available for purchase.

The final event of the month will be the PJ Library “Grandparents Hanukkah Pajamakkah Party” from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 27, in the lobby of the Jewish Community Campus.

All grandparents in the community are invited to bring their grandchildren ages four and under for a morning of pajama-clad Hanukkah fun. There will be songs, stories, snacks and dreidel playing.

More information and registration links for these events can be found online at jewishkansascity.org/pjlibrary.