KU Chabad officially broke ground for its new building with a celebration of students, alumni, parents, supporters and donors last Sunday. 

The groundbreaking was hosted by Rabbi Zalman and Nechama Tiechtel, who began KU Chabad 18 years ago and continue to direct it today.

“Our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude as we stand here on the threshold of making history,” Rabbi Tiechtel said, “as we build the very first brand-new building from the ground up that is dedicated to Jewish student community at the University of Kansas.” 

The new Chabad building, which will be built at the same location as the old one, will be a 10,000-square-foot, $6 million center for Jewish students at the University of Kansas. The ceremony took place at the construction site.

Following a celebratory blowing of the shofar, many supporters had the opportunity to address the attendees. In addition to Rabbi and Nechama Tiechtel, speakers included KU Chancellor Douglas Girod; Rick Ginsberg, dean of the KU School of Education and Human Sciences; students Tyler Bermundo, Alyson Weinberg, Shayna Weinstein, Ellie Segal and Ben Holiday; and major donor and partner Bob Cutler. 

Every speaker expressed their gratitude to KU Chabad and its work supporting Jewish students.

“This new Chabad house is not just a building,” Cutler said. “It’s a beacon of light. It’s a place where Jewish life will thrive, where students will learn about our tradition, and where ‘Jewhawks’ [KU Chabad’s name for Jewish students] will absolutely find a home away from home. It’s also a place where those searching for meaning will find guidance and support… it’ll be a place where we celebrate together, learn together, and we all support each other in times of need.” 

Themes of Jewish continuity from generation to generation were emphasized.

“Chabad at KU is all about ensuring that there is a strong and vibrant Jewish future,” Nechama Tiechtel said. “Each and every student who walks through our doors is not just one individual, but an entire generation. When I meet a student, I don’t just see them. I see their grandchildren. I see their great-grandchildren.”

Rabbi Tiechtel also thanked community leaders in attendance, including Rabbi Sholom and Blumah Wineberg of Chabad House Center of Kansas City; Rabbi Mendy and Devory Wineberg of The Shul — Chabad of Leawood; Howard Cohen, co-chair of KU’s Ever Onward campaign; Ethan Helfand, executive director of KU Hillel; Patrick Kelly and Karen Willey, Douglas County, Kansas, commissioners; Bart Littlejohn, mayor of Lawrence, Kansas; Brad Finkeldei and Lisa Larsen, Lawrence city commissioners; and Rich Llewellyn, Douglas County fire and medical chief.

Following a reading of a chapter of Tehillim by the Tiechtels’ son Yisrolik, honorees, donors and supporters received plaques and ceremonially broke ground with shovels as they wore hard hats.

In addition to thanking those present, the Tiechtels thanked their children and the Lubavitcher Rebbe (z”l) for inspiring them. 

The old building, a converted duplex, was recently demolished. The new building is scheduled to be finished by September of 2025 at 1203 W. 19th Street in Lawrence. More information and donation opportunities are available at buildkuchabad.com.