The J announced that community member Bailey Nakelsky will join the organization as chief development officer, a new role created to support the continued growth of The J.

Nakelsky will start in her new role in November.

As chief development officer, Nakelsky will be responsible for developing strategic direction for all fundraising efforts for The J and to promote and increase The J’s support from individuals, foundations and local corporations.

“We can’t wait to have Bailey join our J team this November,” said Jim Sluyter, president and CEO of The J. “Bailey’s experience in the Jewish nonprofit world, specifically surrounding development and leadership, is going to be an incredible asset to The J as we continue to grow.”

Nakelsky most recently worked as interim executive director of University of Kansas Hillel, where she cultivated and developed relationships with both students and donors. Prior to her on-campus role, she worked as the associate vice president of leadership giving at Hillel International.

Throughout her life, Nakelsky has always been drawn to working within the Jewish nonprofit world.

“My grandmother survived the Holocaust by hiding and lying about being Jewish to save her own life and the lives of her family,” Nakelsky said. “I grew up with the statement ‘never again’ ever present in my life, and I knew from a young age that I felt the responsibility to help strengthen the Jewish community and provide opportunities for others to grow and thrive in dynamic Jewish spaces…

“I have always felt a love for Jewish education and programming, and harnessed my skills as a fundraiser while in graduate school and my first professional role at the Jewish Federation. I love that this career allows me the opportunity to be an educator even when that is not part of my formal role and that I am able to raise critical funds that are necessary for sustaining and growing diverse and meaningful opportunities for the entire community to enjoy.”

Since moving to Kansas City in 2019, Nakelsky and her husband have become involved with The J, calling it a ‘second home’ to their young family. Whether celebrating holidays, attending programs at The White Theatre, participating in Melton adult education courses, working out at the fitness center or watching their son grow at the Child Development Center, Nakelsky expressed that The J has become a critical part of their daily life.

“I love that whatever community I have lived in, during different stages of life, The J has been a home that evolved with my interests and needs,” Nakelsky said. “Throughout my career as a Jewish professional, I have had the privilege of working in the Jewish Federation system and the Hillel movement, and continue to be drawn to opportunities that support the growth and sustainability of vibrant Jewish life. I cannot think of a better organization than The J to continue my efforts to inspire and enrich the Jewish community.”

Nakelsky will work closely with Sluyter and recently-hired Chief Operating Officer Carly Stein, as well as the rest of the C-Suite and development teams as The J continues to focus on long-term growth within the community.

“Bailey will be joining a fantastic development team [composed] of Cindy Bodker and Robin Levine,” Sluyter said. “Cindy and Robin continue to make such incredible contributions to The J in their roles, and we look forward to the much-needed expansion of their team.”