The July presentation of Jewish Unforgettable Ladies Interested in Eating Together (JULIETs) will be about the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA).

MOCSA is a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the lives of those impacted by sexual violence and to prevent violence in the community. MOCSA has provided free advocacy, counseling, education, intervention and legal services for nearly 50 years.

Attendees of the presentation will learn about MOCSA’s services and potential volunteer opportunities, as well as how to help prevent violence and keep the community safer.

The next meeting of the JULIETs will take place at Congregation Beth Torah (6100 W. 127th St., Overland Park, KS 66209) on Sunday, July 28, at 12:30 p.m. A five-minute business meeting, lunch and kibbitzing will precede the presentation. Programs typically end around 2 p.m.

Reservations for the presentation are required due to JULIETs events’ positive reception, according to JULIETs. RSVPs should be sent to Susie Klinock at .

Jewish women (and non-Jewish women with a Jewish spouse) are invited to all JULIETs events, and no synagogue affiliation is required. Attendees should bring their own lunch or snack; JULIETs will provide beverages and paper goods.

JULIETs’ June event brought Molly Hess to speak about PRIYA, a local resource for Jewish families and individuals who are struggling on their path to parenthood.