HBHA has restarted two community resources that have been on hiatus during the pandemic: Rams Cafe and the annual Community Blood Drive. 

The HBHA PTO is excited to reopen the Ram’s Cafe, located in the main rotunda of the Jewish Community Campus. The cafe, which is 100% volunteer-run, closed almost two years ago at the beginning of the pandemic, after nearly 20 years of operation.

“Rams Cafe is a significant fundraiser for HBHA PTO, and helps support so many programs within the school. We are thrilled that we can go back to providing this service to our greater community again,” said PTO volunteer Marni Thompson-Tilove.

The current focus of the cafe is keeping it running in line with HBHA safety protocols while supporting the needs of the community. On Jan. 10, the cafe reopened as a grab-and-go Snack Shack, offering shelf-stable and refrigerated VAAD-certified food and drinks for purchase.

The cafe will be open Mondays to Thursdays from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. The care will be open Fridays from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The cafe accepts cash and debit cards, and volunteers look forward to serving HBHA students and the community once again. Cafe proceeds go directly back into the school to help offset costs for field trips, the music and athletics departments, school technology and other cultural events at the school. 

Another community resource coming back after a hiatus during the pandemic is HBHA’s Community Blood Drive, which takes place at the Jewish Community Campus social hall on Jan. 28, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Blood donations are currently low, and donations from this drive, managed by the Community Blood Center, will provide a much-needed gift to local hospital patients. Community Blood Center is the primary supplier of blood at local hospitals. The center needs to collect nearly 600 pints of blood each day, totaling more than 200,000 pints a year, and relies on volunteer donors to supply the life-saving blood. 

Making an appointment is easy: Go to savealifenow.org/group, enter the code CBKH, and select your preferred time to donate.

“It has been a difficult year for many in our community, and - while we are still keeping a keen eye on the health and safety of our school community - we are so excited to be getting back to normal in other aspects of our annual routine. A special thanks to our PTO volunteers and to our nurse Elisa Pener for respectively bringing back the Rams Cafe and the blood drive,” said Adam Tilove, HBHA Head of School.