Congregation Ohev Sholom will present its Shem Tov (Good Name) Award to member David Friedman during Shabbat services on December 25, 2021.

Ohev Sholom President Larry Gordon announced the award will be presented to David Friedman in recognition of his exceptional volunteer service as Torah reader, daily minyan service leader, and leader of major portions of Shabbat services. Friedman always steps up to conduct and lead services whenever asked. 

“[Friedman] exemplifies the traditional Jewish understanding of what comprises a good name: modesty, generosity, hard work and commitment to the congregation, and excellence in his performance of duties to ensure congregation members and attendees are provided the proper observances during our services,” Gordon said.

Friedman is only the third recipient of this award. The previous recipients are Marvin Denton (2010) and Charles Choucroun (2013).

David Friedman and his wife, Elaine, have been devoted members, participants and leaders at Ohev Sholom over the past 18 years. He has served several terms as vice president of worship and vice president of adult education.  

David retired from the Social Security Administration after a 37-year career with the agency. He is an avid seashell collector and an opera aficionado. His daughter, Susan, is also a member of Ohev Sholom.

The community, congregational members and friends are invited to attend Shabbat services on December 25 to celebrate Friedman’s honor.