The Jewish Community Foundation brought together nonprofit leaders for its biennial Legacy Giving Day program on Nov. 11.

The virtual event featured fundraising strategist and coach Nanette Fridman who presented the topic, “Energize Your Legacy Giving Program: Why Now is The Right Time to Make the Integrated Ask.” Dozens of professionals from 14 Jewish and general community organizations participated in the event where they had the opportunity to network, workshop, and learn strategies for developing legacy gifts and stewarding lasting relationships with donors.

"Being newer to the development world I was in awe of the knowledge and experience of those in the ‘room,’” said Michaela Kidd, Development Manager for Village Shalom. “It was an incredible experience to listen and engage with the others. It was a wonderful presentation and a perfect combination of people."

Through Legacy Giving Day and other educational opportunities, the Foundation’s Create a Jewish Legacy program has provided nearly 250 professionals, lay leaders, and clergy with comprehensive development training, consulting, networking opportunities, customized marketing resources, and valuable financial incentives.

Support for Legacy Giving Day is generously provided by the Sam and Lucy Gould JCF Program Fund.

Legacy giving has been at the forefront of the communal agenda since the Foundation debuted its Bushman Community Endowment Program in 2007. Since then, community agencies and synagogues have actively worked to establish legacy gifts to support their missions in perpetuity. Legacy gifts, which are generally established during a donor’s lifetime and come to fruition at a donor’s death, help ensure the future stability of an organization and its ability to provide services for future generations.

The local Jewish community has committed more than $158.5 million in legacy gifts, comprising nearly 1,000 unique gifts from 566 individuals and families. These gifts, which will help ensure a bright and vibrant community for years to come, range in size from $1,000 to $12 million and utilize a wide variety of planned giving vehicles.

For more information about the Create a Jewish Legacy program or how you can leave a planned gift to benefit the community, please contact Josh Stein at (913) 327-8121 or .