For four years, Mark and Debby Bookstein, along with their 11-year-old twins, Abby and Drew, have volunteered at Jewish Family Services.

“We began volunteering with JFS because we wanted to find opportunities to volunteer as a family,” said Mark Brookstein. “JFS Food Pantry home deliveries gave us the opportunity we were looking for.”

Once a month, the Brookstein Family travels around the Kansas City area dropping off deliveries at clients’ homes.

“Our favorite part is seeing the smiles on the faces of those receiving a food delivery,” said Debby Brookstein. 

Volunteer Engagement Coordinator Vicki Johansen said the Brookstein Family’s efforts have been tremendous.

“The Brookstein family has volunteered 70 hours at JFS and have been incredible volunteers delivering food to homebound clients since 2017,” Johansen said.

The Brooksteins are a very busy family but find time to give to JFS. Mark is Capital Federal’s media director, while Debby works as the Senior Director of Social Work at Children Mercy Hospital. Abby and Drew are fifth graders in the Olathe School District. Volunteering for JFS inspired Abby and Drew to pursue additional volunteer work with their school’s Community Service Club. The twins volunteered at community gardens, cleaned up a local cemetery and have been involved in a variety of other service projects.

“Kids can and should get involved with volunteering,” Mark Brookstein said. “At a young age, they can learn the importance of giving back. Just a small amount of time can make a significant difference to others.”

“It's so fantastic when families come together to volunteer,” said Taly Friedman, JFS Director of Volunteer Engagement.  “It's such a special way that they can do something meaningful together and make an impact in the community. Our delivery clients look forward to the connection they have with the volunteers that deliver to them, especially when they get a visit from younger volunteers. We encourage families and teens to reach out about opportunities to volunteer with JFS,” Friedman said.

Contact the volunteer engagement team at (913) 730-1410 or for more information.