Priya is a resource for Jewish individuals and families who are struggling on their path to parenthood. The program offers emotional support, resource connection, and financial assistance for all families at any stage of their fertility and family planning journey including adoption. 

Priya is the focus of JFS’s Giving Tuesday efforts on Tuesday, November 30. The community can financially support this unique program online by donating at

Priya has been a helpful resource for several couples who wanted to start or grow their Jewish family. To date, 21 couples have benefitted from Priya, including Daniel and Darcy Demetre Hill.

The Hills turned to Priya after a journey that began a decade ago. While their first retrieval and transfer successfully welcomed their twin boys in March 2013, the Hills were only left with three embryos. In 2018, they began procedures to have a third child. However, the couple experienced multiple surgeries, failed transfers, and a miscarriage that left them with only one embryo. Running low on options, several friends introduced the Hills to Priya.

At first the couple was hesitant, but the Hills were welcomed into the Priya community. They attended bi-monthly support groups for couples and worked with experienced professionals who specialize in fertility.

“All of these services helped us feel more supported and connected to the Kansas City Jewish Community,” said Darcy Demetre Hill. “It also made our decision to continue on our journey that much easier.”

The Hills are now awaiting the arrival of their baby girl.

For more information about Priya, please contact Molly Hess, Priya Program Manager, at or (913) 327-8250.