Kehilath Israel Synagogue invites family and friends to join the Second Annual Worldwide Friends and Family Virtual Chanukah Party. The party will take place on Sunday, November 28, at 11 a.m. CST.

Party organizer and K.I. Vice President Ari Lubowicz says that there will be plenty of time to schmooze and sing and that the Kansas City Chiefs are not playing that day.

This event will be led by Cantor Aron Hayoun from Paris, France, and Rabbi Moshe Grussgott from Overland Park, Kansas. Among the confirmed guests are Hedy and Rabbi Jeffrey Shron from Israel and other K.I. friends from around the world.

Born from the necessity of remote communication during the pandemic, last year’s First Worldwide Chanukah Party was a huge success. Over 160 participants joined from the United Kingdom, Italy, France, and Israel, as well as people from around the US.

To join the party, email and ask for the link to the Zoom Chanukah Party. Include in the email how you are “related” to K.I. – if you have friends or family connected, or if you just want to join. Guests of all ages are welcome.