Beth Shalom Sisterhood will offer a virtual tour of Paris’ Jewish history and Jewish-themed travel online.

Attendees can learn about French Jewry of past and present,and hear the story of a family's survival from the Vel’ d’Hiv. Explore Le Marais (main Jewish neighborhood), Place de Vosges, Hotel de Sully, Synagogue Hector Guimard, Musee Carnvalet, and more in an interactive guided discussion. Attendees can experience the history of the current and past Jewish community in Paris with stories from Holocaust survivors and their families, rabbis and Jewish friends in Paris.

Tour guide Karen Reb Rudel, who has lived and worked in Paris, will lead this virtual trip.

The trip will start at 9:45 a.m. for a 10 a.m. “departure” on Thursday, Dec. 2. Attendees can join Congregation Beth Shalom in person in Goldsmith Hall to watch on the big screen or can be sent a zoom link the day before the event. Attendees can register at The event costs $5 and must be sent as a check, made payable to Beth Shalom Sisterhood, to Congregation Beth Shalom, 14200 Lamar Ave, Overland Park, KS  66223. It must be put to the attention of Milisa Flekier.

This event is open to the entire community. Those interested can call Flekier at 913-568-2559. Reservations are due by November 30.