Simchat Torah is the celebration of the entire Torah, the holiday on which we honor the Torah itself, from the creation of the world to the moment the Israelites are on the cusp of entering the Promised Land, and every narrative moment and law in between.
This year, Congregation Beth Shalom is inviting the entire community to a special Simchat Torah event at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Writer, actor and Jewish educator, David Loewy, has written and will join Beth Shalom in presenting ”The Whole Story, Told Too Quickly, the Torah from Adam to Israel,” a production for children and adults alike. Loewry will also perform in the play, along with Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda and other Beth Shalom performers.

This production will appeal to all, with some music, some laughs, many stories you expect to hear and perhaps even a few you’ve never realized are in the Torah.
The play will be performed in the grassy field adjacent to Beth Shalom. Please bring folding chairs and blankets to sit on.
This program is made possible by a generous grant from the Polsky Family Foundation, Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and other generous donors.
For questions and to RSVP, contact Beth Shalom’s director of youth and family programming, Becca Levine at .