Priya has increased funds for couples and individuals looking to grow their Jewish families. Priya is a program of Jewish Family Services offering Jewish individuals and couples (including LGBTQ+ and interfaith families) emotional support, resource connection, spiritual guidance and financial assistance with genetic testing, fertility treatments and adoption.

Families can now receive a minimum of $1,500 towards fertility treatment, adoption or surrogacy costs. If expenses of treatment or adoption cost more than 10 percent of annual household income, applicants can receive a 50 percent grant up to $10,000.

“The goal of Priya is to grow Jewish families to aid in the continuity of the Jewish community,” said Molly Hess, Priya program manager. “We support all individuals who are looking to build their families with financial assistance while looking after the emotional wellbeing of our clients. We provide assistance to anyone who applies.”

Since 2015, Priya has assisted more than 30 individuals and couples with emotional and financial support. Twenty-one children have been brought into the Kansas City Jewish community with the support of Priya, through adoption and fertility treatments. During 2021, Priya has been able to assist five families in their family-building journey.

Irit and Gil Nevat received assistance from Priya, resulting in the successful adoption of their son, Lior.

“Adoption was a massive three-year effort, both financially and emotionally. Priya’s support and backing was instrumental,” Gil Nevat said “The support we received from Priya is the essence of kol Yisrael chaverim, loosely translated as ‘Jews helping each other.’ To share our story means we can contribute to Priya’s success, and we want everyone to know there is always someone beside you in this journey.”

Priya has also established a KC Connections program for people who are looking to build their Jewish family outside of Kansas City but are still deeply connected to the local community.

In addition to its help with adoption and fertility issues, Priya works in partnership with JScreen to provide affordable genetic testing thanks to the Romotsky-Price-Cortes Genetic Testing Fund. For more information, visit For more information about Priya, contact Molly Hells at   or call (913) 327-8250.