The High Holy Days are approaching and now is the time to think about ordering your meals.

Menus, pricing and ordering deadlines can be found on the order page. Place your order early and pay online at The link can also be found at Orders must be received by the designated deadline.

Erev Rosh Hashanah begins on Monday evening, September 6, and holiday meals will be available for purchase for Rosh Hashanah catered by Kim Matsil of Kim’s Kreations. Curbside meal pickup is at the Jewish Community Campus Sunday afternoon, September 5. The deadline to place a meal order is Sunday, August 29.

Kol Nidre is Wednesday, September 15 and meal orders should be placed no later than Thursday, September 9. Curbside meal pickup at the Jewish Community Campus will take place from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 15. The meal will be prepared by Cathy Levin, Kosher Connection.

The next Shabbat Meal to go will be offered October 15 and catered by Steve Ellenberg, Ellenberg Experience Catering.

Those who wish may purchase additional meals to go to gift to someone special and/or share a holiday meal with others. Donations in all amounts are welcome.

The “meals to go” program began over a year ago and has received many positive reviews, including comments about the quality and variety of food, and the ease and convenience of kosher pre-made meals.

“Getting kosher meals in KC is difficult, to say the least, and during these troubled times a fully prepared meal that we can enjoy in the safety of our homes is more than welcome,” said one program participant. “I hope it will continue throughout the years as prepared kosher food is so hard to find in this city,” said another participant.

For questions or to inquire about confidential financial assistance, contact Annette Fish, Rabbinical Association administrator/program director, by email, or call 913-327-8226. Visit for additional information.