As part of the Sweet & Sacred Series, B’nai Jehudah is offering a virtual Elul Boot Camp with three special guest teachers on August 18, 25 and September 1.

All three Elul Boot Camp sessions are virtual only, via Zoom. These three classes will be led exclusively by the guest teachers (no B’nai Jehudah clergy will teach). Please register in advance for these classes at or 913.663.4050.


Classes include:

Ki Anu Amecha – We are Your people and You are Our ______, 10-11:30 a.m., August 18 with Rabbi Larry Karol. What is the relationship between God and the Jewish community? By examining the metaphors found in High Holiday prayers and songs we will explore this multifaceted relationship and the ways we see it manifested in our lives.

Self-awareness as Prerequisite for Holding Oneself Accountable, 10-11:30 a.m., August 25 with Rabbi Jonathan Rudnick. Self-awareness, or intra-personal intelligence, is a way of relating to and getting at Cheshbon Hanefesh – the accounting of the soul that our tradition teaches us to do in preparation for, as well as during, the High Holidays. In this session we will look at three episodes from Torah as guides and catalysts for a discussion on how we can hold ourselves accountable for missing the mark with respect to who we are and strive to be, righting our wrongs, and our noticing ourselves for the year to come.

Guilt!!! Why do we accept it? Why do we impose it? How can we handle it?, 10-11:30 a.m., Sept. 1 with Rabbi Stephen Karol. “Jewish Guilt” is an overblown, mischaracterized cultural phenomenon. “True” Jewish Guilt dates back to the Torah, but there is an inherent commitment to forgiveness. There is good guilt and bad guilt, and it can keep us on the right path of behavior or convince us that we are bad people not worthy of being forgiven. It is up to us to decide if we have no choice but to feel guilty, if we have to use it to get other people to do what we want, and if we can turn it from a liability into an asset.