It will be a fun day on June 27 at The J – Jewish Community Center’s annual Youth Triathlon. The competition returns after a year’s absence due to the pandemic.

The triathlon is for kids from age 4 to 17. The triathlon will take place at the Jewish Community Campus, 5801 W. 115th St., in Overland Park, Kansas, and the grounds of Aspiria, which adjoins the campus. The race is approved and certified by the USA Triathlon Association. Check-in starts at 6:00 a.m. with competition beginning at 7:30 a.m.

“This is a favorite event of our staff and such a great way for kids of all fitness levels to set a goal and accomplish it for the summer,” said Erika Aanestad, The J’s youth triathlon coordinator. “It’s a confidence builder for the kids and very inspiring for the spectators.”

The triathlon includes swimming, a bicycle ride and a run. The event is broken down into three difficulty categories based upon the age of the participant. The J is committed to accessibility and inclusion; please let The J know in advance if your children have accommodation needs. 

Per USA Triathlon Association rules, the race categories and distances are as follows. The mini-course for ages 4 to 5 will open at a later date, if space is available:

SHORT COURSE (5-8-year-olds):

Swim 50 yards, bike 1.5 miles, run .6 mile

INTERMEDIATE (9-10-year-olds):

Swim 100 yards, bike 3 miles, run 1 mile

LONG COURSE (11-17-year-olds):

Swim 200 meters, bike 6 miles, run 2 miles

All participants and their parents can attend a virtual pre-race orientation which will be available through The J’s website, Participants will receive rules and regulations, course information, and tips on various aspects of the event.

Participants can pick up their goodie bag, t-shirt and race number at The J’s new Fitness + Sports entrance starting June 23. To register for the youth triathlon, please visit

The J is also seeking volunteers for the Youth Tri. Volunteer positions are from 5 a.m.-10 a.m. and include assisting with the bike and run courses, body marking, food or water distribution, parking, and awards and medals. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up at

For more information on the youth triathlon, please contact Erika Aanestad at .