Last week, Warshawski, along with fellow local survivors Elizabeth Nussbaum and Adela Dagerman, was honored in a tribute at Union Station. The survivors and their families were seated in front of an authentic WWII-era railway freight car that was recently installed as part of the “Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far Away” exhibition, which opens at Union Station on June 14.

They were joined by Union Station’s board chairman, Ramón Murguía, Union Station’s president & CEO, George Guastello, Brian Platt, city manager of Kansas City, Luis Ferrerio, Auschwitz exhibition producer and Rabbi Joshua Leighton.

Family members, donors and media who gathered heard the history of the freight car — the kind that transported millions of people to ghettos, concentration camps and killing centers — and had the chance to visit with Warshawski and Nussbaum (Dagerman was unable to attend the event).