Lisa Kanarek, a freelance writer who grew up in Overland Park, recently had a piece published on the popular news site Huffington Post. In the piece, a personal essay, she shares her experience of interviewing her late father, Joseph Kanarek, about his time in Auschwitz.
Joseph, who passed away last year, was 94 before he was ready to tell his story.
“... I opened my laptop and watched him disclose the secrets of his childhood I’d waited decades to hear. For two years, I videotaped my father revealing stories that had been too painful to share sooner,” she wrote.
The video of Kanarek’s interview with her father was recently added to the video archive collection of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
Kanarek’s Huffington Post essay, along with other pieces of her work, can be found on her website,