Hadassah Greater Kansas City and its Nurses Council will honor physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals affiliated with Hadassah who have taken care of COVID-19 patients at its 19th Annual Walk for Health on May 9 (Mother’s Day), 9:30-11:00 a.m. on Zoom.

Co-chairs Joyce Fulps and Marian Kaplan, both RNs, are excited that this year’s virtual walk will give the local chapter the opportunity to honor COVID-19 Hadassah healthcare heroes not only from greater Kansas City, but also from the entire Great Plains Region, which comprises parts of eight states, including Kansas and Missouri.

Dianne Gottlieb, of Coral Gables, Florida, will be the guest speaker at this year’s walk and offer highlights of care provided at Hadassah Ein Kerem in Jerusalem.

Currently HMO (Hadassah Medical Organization) chair, Gottlieb previously served as a national Hadassah vice president and is an elected member of the National Board.  Dianne is a past co-chair of Hadassah’s National Center for Nurses Councils.

In 2002, the local Hadassah Nurses Council began this annual walk in the park during National Nurses Week as a way to promote walking as exercise and raise funds for their sister nurses at Hadassah hospitals.  In keeping with the original idea for this walk, attendees are encouraged to take a walk in their neighborhood before or after the program.

There is no entry fee. However, donations in honor or memory of a physician, nurse, or allied healthcare professional or in honor or memory of a loved one are encouraged. 

For this year’s walk, the local Chapter will be raising funds to help renovate, equip and furnish the original Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital through the 360 Degrees of Healing Campaign. Known as the “round building,” this hospital has treated 4,500 COVID patients since the start of the pandemic. Earlier this month, the hospital was actually able to close its COVID unit because the incidence of coronavirus has declined significantly throughout Israel.

All members, Hadassah associates, and supporters in the community are welcome to attend to honor these Hadassah COVID-19 healthcare heroes.    

Registration of all participants, including honorees, is required at www.hadassahmidwest.org/GKCwalk by May 6. 

During the program, each honoree will be introduced, and at a later date, will receive a special certificate to be mailed after the walk. The name of the honoree will be mentioned during the program even if the honoree is unavailable to attend the walk because of having to work.    

Members and Hadassah associates may also express their gratitude to those healthcare professionals in our community who have provided COVID care and are not yet affiliated with Hadassah by giving them a membership.

Any healthcare professional affiliated and registered by May 6 is eligible to be honored at the event. Annual membership is $36 or $250 for Life; associate (men only) is $250.  

As has been the tradition at this walk, names of all donors will be entered into a drawing. One winner will receive a free Life membership to Hadassah (worth $250) for herself or a person of her choice of any age from birth to 100+.

All donations may be made during registration or sent to Hadassah, c/o Marian Kaplan, 3909 W 101st Ter, Overland Park, KS 66207 and must be received before May 6 to be eligible for the drawing.

To nominate an honoree or receive more information, contact Kaplan at or (913) 909-9319.