One of the most popular, and well attended events of the year at The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah, is Mitzvah Day, an annual gathering where hundreds of members volunteer in dozens of community projects. This year’s Mitzvah Day takes place May 2.

In 2020, Mitzvah Day was turned into Mitzvah Moments, where hundreds of volunteer minutes were logged by members, even while they were socially distancing and staying safe during the initial months of the pandemic.

“This year, we are pleased to be able to bring people together again. We will still be following strict COVID-safety guidelines, and nearly all of the projects will take place outside. The indoor projects, including our community-wide blood drive, will also be spread out for safety,” said Rabbi Josh Leighton.

While most of the projects are for B’nai Jehudah members only, the Mitzvah Day blood drive is open to anyone. Thanks to the work of volunteer member Stacy Wright, B’nai Jehudah is once again working with the Community Blood Center.

Appointments run from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Congregation B’nai Jehudah, 12320 Nall Ave., Overland Park, Kansas. Donors are encouraged to make an appointment by visiting and using Group Code: UP. For additional details, contact Logan Marney at (816) 977-7959.

For those who are unable to give blood, there will be many other projects. Mitzvah Day plans are still underway. For B’nai Jehudah members who wish to be project leaders, or who want to bring their own unique project to life, slots remain open.

“We are looking for people who have a project they would like to see come to life so we can work with them to realize that goal. This year is about expanding our hearts, our minds and our creativity so we can help heal the community in any way we can. It is our honor to give back on May 2,” said Rabbi Leighton.

For inquiries, or offers to lead projects, please email   and , or call 913.663.4050.