Get your forks out, everyone! B’nai Jehudah Sisterhood is offering New York-style, plain cheesecake, with optional strawberry topping or a flavored, variety pack of squares for purchase just in time for the festival of Shavuot.

The order deadline is May 7, and Sisterhood will notify people of pickup prior to Shavuot, which begins the evening of May 16.

The idea was sparked about seven months ago, when B’nai Jehudah member Tricia Uhlmann mentioned a very successful sisterhood fundraiser at her cousin’s synagogue. That synagogue had offered the famous New York Carnegie Deli cheesecakes to members during the winter holidays for more than 10 years.

“The cheesecake fundraiser not only raised money for their sisterhood, but it also provided a tasty way to celebrate the holiday, so we decided to test the waters,” said Sisterhood’s vice president of fundraising, Amanda Bachmuth. 

The pandemic has pushed B’nai Jehudah Sisterhood — and many other nonprofits — to get even more creative with their events and fundraisers.

Sisterhood has found that pick-up-and-go food items have proved to be a very popular and convenient way to raise funds this past year. The group held a highly successful latke fundraiser in December, where more than 1,200 latkes were made, boxed and sold to members. People also had the opportunity to purchase extra latkes, which were donated to the JFS food pantry.

“We have been amazed by the generosity of the Jewish community, and we were so pleased to have been able to donate latkes to those in our community who might not otherwise have been able to enjoy them. Due to the overwhelming response from our latkes event, we are offering the same food pantry donation option for the cheesecakes,” said Bachmuth.

The cheesecakes are baked by local kosher caterer, Cathy Levin of Kosher Connection. Ordering options include:

A whole New York style plain eight-inch round cheesecake, which serves between 8 and 10 people 

A variety pack of six cheesecake squares with New York plain, strawberry swirl and chocolate swirl flavors

Strawberry sauce to pour over the cheesecake

Sisterhood invites everyone in the community to do a double mitzvah: celebrate the harvest festival, in which it is customary to eat dairy foods like cheesecake, and support Jewish Family Services in their efforts to spread joy to others this Shavuot.

The order deadline is May 7. To order, go to