In May, Shira Wajcman and Dini Freed will be installed as co-presidents of Beth Shalom Sisterhood. Shira is currently Sisterhood president and will continue in that role for a second term as co-president with Dini Freed. Previously, Shira served in many positions on the Sisterhood board. She received the Sisterhood Past Presidents Leadership Recognition Award in 2019. Shira is a native of Kansas City.  She was married to Michael Wajcman until his death in 2011 and has three children, Jeremiah, Samantha , and Eitan.

Currently, Dini Freed is co-vice president of programming. She also served  in many positions on the Sisterhood board. Over the years, she was a solicitor for the congregational calendar and Sisterhood gift shop volunteer.  In 2015 Dini was the recipient of Sisterhood Past Presidents Leadership Recognition Award.

Dini learned about volunteering from her mother (z”l) as well as her bubbie. Her mother  ran the gift shop at their shul — B’nai Israel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Dini has lived in Overland Park for the past 17 1/2 years. She is married to Kansas City native Randy Freed and are parents of daughter, Evie.  


Shira Wajcman


The complete Beth Shalom Sisterhood slate of officers and board of directors for 2021-2023:

Co-Presidents: Shira Wajcman and Dini Freed

Community Service VP: Gloria Sher

Education VP: Jill Goldstein

Membership VP: Debi Rosenberg

Program VP’s: Milisa Flekier and Kim Matsil

Treasurer: Janna Rosenthal

Financial/Retention Secretary: Donna Katz

Recording Secretary: Suzanne Lange

Historian: Beth Albee

Long Range Planning Chair: Linda Lessner

Financial Advisor: Linda Lessner

Parliamentarian: Berenice Haberman

Calendar Chairs: Arlene Shalinsky, Berenice Haberman, and Meg Adler

Gift Shop Chair: Mary Weiner

Gift Shop Treasurer: Connie Simon

Torah Fund Chairs: Rita Shapiro and Toba Maslan

Nominating Chair: Shira Wajcman


Sisterhood Resources:

Book of Remembrance: Maxine Grossman

PrayerWorks: Rickie Haith

Sunshine Chairman: Naomi Kauffman


Board of Directors:

3-year term: Wendy Malyn, Joyce Shapiro, Connie Simon

2-year term: Phyllis Abrams, Staci Kahn, Nata Scharf, Sarah Stras

1-year term: Naomi Kauffman, Stephanie Kavanaugh, Rhea Salasche, Elaine Singer